Imagine you have one million record in a table, and you need to display them in a web page. Would you fetch 1 million records in a one shot and send it through an API? Probably not. Offset based pagination is one of the most common technique for fetching small chunk of data for one page at a time. But it has its own performance bottlenecks. checkout my previous article to know more about offset based pagination
In this article, we will explore about keyset based pagination. This method does not use count or offset clauses.
How it works
- Unique auto increment column is used as a key column which is mostly primary key.
- This key column is sorted so that it will produce consistent results.
- Instead using offset to skip records, it used ketset_column > last record pk from previous page condition is used
- by using ketset_column in where clause, the database does index only scan to skip records because primary key has an index by default.
Postgres keyset based pagination example
-- to fetch each page
select * from table_name where {{keyset_column}} > {{keyset_value}} order by {{keyset_column}} LIMIT {{per_page}};
-- fetch first page
select * from employee order by emp_id LIMIT 100;
-- fetch second page
-- first 100 records are skipped based on index only scan
select * from employee where emp_id > 100 LIMIT 100;
-- fetch third page
-- first 200 records are skipped based on index only scan
select * from employee where emp_id > 200 LIMIT 100;
Analyze query plan
Lets take a look at the query plan for this keyset based pagination,
explain analyze select * from employee where emp_id > 200 LIMIT 100;
-- index scan is done on employee table to fetch the results
-- index scan is faster than seq scan
Limit (cost=200.76..210.80 rows=100 width=930) (actual time=0.502..0.530 rows=100 loops=1)
-> Index Scan on employee (cost=0.00..1878.10 rows=18710 width=930) (actual time=0.010..0.445 rows=2100 loops=1)
Index Cond: (emp_id > 200)
Planning Time: 0.073 ms
Execution Time: 0.550 ms
- Faster than offset based pagination
- No expensive count query and offsets
- Pagination uses index only scan instead of sequential table scan
- Inserting/deleting a row on page n doesn't cause missing or duplicate record in page navigation
- Client needs to remember the keyset column and previous highest key value
- If sorting key is different than keyset column, we can't utilise keyset pagination